3 Day Course, Denmark: 11-13 February 2020
- Day 1: The Biochemical Sequence. The Humus Flywheel. Interpreting Soil Needs. Building the Whole Farm Soil Food Web.
- Day 2: Farming Soil and Atmosphere. The Five Sisters Meet the Boys (Cations, Metals). How Plants Grow. Composting.
- Day 3: Introduction to Dowsing, Homeopathy, Radionics and Biodynamics. Creative Use of the Biodynamic Preparations.
Venue: Kullerup, Nyborg, Denmark – www.kullerup.dk
Course fee: 750 € (5.625 DKK + moms) per person. Catering included.
Registration and information: erikfrydenlund@gmail.com (deadline 1 February)
Accommodation can be booked separately.
Hugh Lovel and his wife Shabari Birdconsult farmers in Europe, USA, Australia and South Africa. The currently reside on their homestead in Blairsville, Georgia, USA, where they offer courses and webinars. He is the author of many articles on fertility management and crop nutrition as well as topics concerning radionics and biodynamics.
Hugh built upon his education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and psychology to formulate his concepts and developments during more than 30 years of farming, first in the mountains of northern Georgia, USA, and in Australia. He is the author of the classic book A Biodynamic Farm and is a frequent contributor to Acres U.S.A. and other magazines, as well as the new book Quantum Agriculture — Biodynamics and Beyond.
Benefits of the courses:
- Improve your observation.
- Expand your world view.
- Turn experience into insight.
- Deepen understanding of Hugh Lovel’s Natural Biochemical Sequence
- Economically self-regenerate soils.
- Understand how plants and soil thrive.
- Produce abundant trouble free crops.
- Use tests to educate your eye.
- Find causes rather than treat symptoms.
- Design crop systems that contribute to natural bounty.
- What is Biodynamic Farming?
- What is Dowsing? Radionics? What is Homeopathy for the Soil?
- Lively Evening Discussions
- Meet new friends and join our Quantum Agriculture Global Community